Friday, February 27, 2015

Seven Quick Takes (#7)

With a full week of Lent under us this year, there are no signs of things slowing down over here!! Here's our 7th edition of 7QT and it's action packed! Thank you to everyone for praying and supporting us through this giant past week. We felt your love and support the entire way.


FCP Training - We have been nothing short of drop-jaw-amazed at the generosity of our friends, and their friends, and even complete strangers this week. At every turn of this journey to discern becoming an FCP, the path has been cleared. This week was no different. With only 20 calendar days until this training session begins, I'm happy to announce that I just learned that I've been ACCEPTED into the program and I've been granted a $1,000 grant from OSV for this training. Thank you to everyone for encouraging me to apply. I know we have a lot of work ahead (and a ton of studying!!), but this path is already enormously blessed and my faith has been doubled and redoubled in God's plan for us this year. Since we originally posted the "donate" button --> on our page on Fat Tuesday, you all have donated $274.93 out of the $4,000 remaining funds needed. If we have been the focus of your almsgiving this Lent, know that you have our humble thanks and our constant prayers. We still have quite a bit of fundraising to do before I travel all those miles to training. I hope you will prayerfully consider helping me get there. More details/updates in the weeks to come!

What Infertile Women Eat - This week involved a wonderful treat that I shared with friends. Korean food was on the menu this time and our Wednesday dinner was a special treat because of it. Skirt steak from my local butcher (pastured and grassfed!) that we marinated all day, chopped across the grain, and turned into Korean bulgogi. And that's not all! We actually served it as lettuce wraps, so we made a food assembly line on the kitchen island and we lined up all the options. Romaine lettuce leaves, jasmine steamed rice, bulgogi meat, mushrooms and scallions and carrots sauteed in sesame oil, (homemade) mak kimchi cooked down with some veggies and oil, crumbled nori (seaweed), sesame seeds, and a delicious ssamjang to top it all off (and of course raw mak kimchi as banchan!). We enjoyed it with a lovely chilled Virginia Viognier and it was a fantastic pairing.

Prayer Request Update - So many people from around the US and the world have been praying for my dear father-in-law. As many of you know, the Irish are not known for their over-the-top expressions of emotion. But this week involved a lot of really scary emotions were in full force. Lots of expressions of love going all the way around. Our only good news so far came today that swelling and lung fluid are slowly retreating. He hasn't been able to even talk the past few days because he's been struggling for air that much. Thank you to all the people keeping my beloved family in prayer. I'm deeply indebted to you for the thoughtfulness and for each of you raising up your suffering for him to our Lord. And we've shared each prayer offering with him...and he continues to be amazed at all the people praying to St. Anthony (his favorite intercessor) with him.

Printable Spiritual Prayer Bouquet - Speaking of prayers!! This got published under-the-radar because I needed it to be at the time (remember when I mentioned it here?). I organized my first spiritual bouquet this past month. The project began on January 20th and it ended on February 20th. I will be posting some pictures of what my prayer bouquet looked like once it was complete, what it entailed, how I approached it. It was an entire month dedicated to rosaries, novenas, mass offerings, adoration hours, fasting, and acts of charity. The completed prayer bouquet is en route to the recipient via snail mail and I want her to be the first to see the completed project before I share anything here. This bouquet was compiled for a very specific tribute and I hope it expresses all the love that was put into it. So for now, I'm sharing the link to the FREE printable cards (with instructions!) I created that you can download here to make your own spiritual bouquet. Share. Pray. Repeat.

St. Monica, My 2015 Patron Saint - She continues to kick some tail, this awesome saint. When I originally pulled this saint for my patron, I was a bit confused at how she could be my intercessor. And then a friend confided in me about abuse in her marriage. Then another friend confided in me about her marriage falling apart from difficulties. Then another friend confided in me about infidelity in her marriage. Then another friend confided in me about mental illness breaking up a marriage. Over a period of three weeks, I've learned some dark, dark things going on in marriages all around me (in some pretty devout Catholic couples!). My husband and I are taking this "spiritual attack" very seriously and we are praying vigilantly for ourselves and all marriages - that God would offer protection to all those who shared this sacred bond. St. Monica, pray for us! She has done an AWESOME job supporting these prayers so please consider her as your own intercessor if you know someone struggling! 


Speaking of prayers again - you have been reaching out to us and asking us to pray for you. Keep using our contact form and asking! We love hearing from our readers and we are very happy to pray for you. We've been asked if you need to donate to our CrMS training fund in order for us to offer prayers for you and I just want to give a great big NO to that question. Our prayers are offered free of any obligation. We'll never offer to pray for you with conditions. That said, we know some of you are donating in memory of children. If you *have* asked us to pray for a special intention along with your contribution, know that we are keeping those intentions in nightly prayers as well. Accept all as Christ, right? <3

This Ain't the Lyceum - Don't forget to visit the host of 7QT! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lucky! Your support has been a (literal) gift to us this week. Hope to make everyone proud!

  2. Congrats on getting accepted! It is kind of fun (and a little aggravating) to wait and see how God will work out all the financing. But it seems He has this one covered, the way things are continuing to work out.

    Can I just say, everything you talk about with food makes me want to come over to your house to eat! I suppose I could try and cook it myself, but that doesn't sound like nearly as much fun.

    1. Thanks, M! Yeah, we're on the edges of our seats over here...but God is clearing this obstacle one dollar at a time. Trust is hard, but we have no choice right now. Leave it to God to pick such AWKWARD timing for all of this!! :P

      And a BIG thank you for your sweet comment about the food I've been featuring in 7QT posts. I've always wanted to make recipes a part of the blog...but it took a while to figure out where they fit in. Needless to say, it *also* took a while to figure out these dietary restrictions. If you ever want to experiment with some of my recipes, I'd love to do some cross-posting between our blogs! :)

  3. CONGRATS! That's really awesome!!!

    Also, I'm adding my prayers to the bunch for your FIL and family. {hugs}

    PS - St. Monica is amazing, but you already knew that. Ha ha ha.

    1. Thanks so much, Gina! Really appreciate the prayers for my FIL and the kind words for all the homework I just signed up for! :P (...and yes, I'm quickly learning St. Monica kicks some serious tail! I can't believe I'm just becoming acquainted with her)

  4. Congratulations on the grant! I plan to contribute more in a few weeks; lately I've been focused on Kelly's adoption fundraisers.

    It is so hard to hear about difficulties in friend's marriages, especially those who are devout. I guess it is a potent reminder to be humble and that we are all sinners. It certainly hurts when there is nothing more you can do but listen, offer compassion, and pray.

    1. Thanks for supporting us and celebrating our good news! We're humbled by your help and I hope I live up to being worthy of the contributions! I'm also super excited about Kelly's adoption coming up in a few short months and really wish I was in a place to contribute more than I have. Every little bit definitely counts. I know it means a lot to her that you have been supporting her.

      And YES, it's really difficult to hear about marital difficulties amongst devout Catholics. And humbling, like you said. It's so incredibly painful to only be able to listen and not *do* much more. Here's hoping I've been a good ear at least! <3
