Thursday, January 15, 2015

In the Silence

The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, his mercies are not spent; they are renewed each morning, so great is his faithfulness. My portion is the Lord, says my soul; therefore will I hope in him. Good is the Lord to one who waits for him, to the soul that seeks him; it is good to hope in silence for the saving help of the Lord. - Lamentations 3: 22-26

A Resource

As some of you know, I spent a wholeeeeeeee lot of time developing a Global N.aPro doctor map resource that I have permanently pinned to the top right of this page. It took a lot of work from a whole village of people. Many thanks to the doctors, nurses, and fellow patients who weighed in to provide reliable information. This resource has already helped more than 150 people find a doctor OUTSIDE the US (let alone the scores inside the US)... which is a huge feat in and of itself, since no global listing has ever been available in one place. The questions and thank you's continue to come in. I am grateful. And deeply humbled. And hoping that you will continue to help me keep this resource the best it can be. People are being healed and finding hope. We are so very lucky to be God's servants in moments like these. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has taken the time to contribute.

A Ministry

You all humble me with the praise you've offered for the miscarriage resources I've posted on the tab at the top of this page. It has become this blog's most read post. I pray for everyone by name who has contacted me. When you share your sadness of loss with me, my DH and I suffer and pray with you. We relive our own losses with you. We are humbled to be able to be of even the tiniest bit of help or hope in such difficult times. Please continue to share with us. This resource will grow with your help and minister to others in difficult times. If you find something regarding Catholic teaching on suffering, or a miscarriage or stillbirth resource, or simply have a link to something pertaining to dignity or ethics....and you think it would be helpful to parents who are losing (or have lost) a child (or children)...send us a note on the contact tab at the top of the page. We'll take a look, vet the information with the help of clergy or medical professionals and make it available here on our page.

A Prayer

To Belinda - we are so, so sorry to hear of your most recent loss. We are lifting you and your precious baby up in prayer. May Christ comfort you in this difficult time of need. May 2015 bring the abundance of God's love to you. All our best and thank you so much for sharing your child's life with us.

A Commitment

I still feel like I/m getting my feet wet in this whole blogging thing, but I need to recommit myself to typing out my thoughts and feelings. It made a difference. We stepped away from the keys entirely for the holidays (aside from all the insane hours of research to build that global map!!)..... but we're back and hoping to post more this year that brings meaning, smiles, and/or the inevitable tears to our beautiful readers. Thank you for following along with us. We're working on developing a series of posts in hopes of kicking off the New Year the way it ought to be. Be patient with us?

A Glitch

Because I was away from the keys, I didn't realize that there were changes made to the template I used to create this blog. That amounted to lots of glitches and tons of posts and comments missing. After some tinkering, I've been able to reinstate most of it, but do let me know if you see any dead links lingering and I'll be happy to fix them. Thank you so much to my faithful readers for the FLOOD of emails you sent alerting me to the problem. If only I had checked my email sooner.... :P

A Prayer

The Resources tab now contains a prayer I wrote before I started this blog. It was titled Conceiving Hope and it was just a simple way that I was trying to articulate my thoughts about this journey. We now know that inspired a blog. I thought it was high time I posted the inspiration poem. Please be gentle...I'm not a's not Yeats. But then again, maybe Yeats might not have had many profound thoughts to share on the topic of infertility anyway! Ha! :)

A Gift

I'm going to be giving away some things in the weeks to come. Stay tuned to the facebook page for those announcements, where I will likely post most of the information about that.

A Watch

Duck Watch....that querky thing I mentioned so many months ago turning into a full blown surround-sound, technicolor dream that is going to become reality this year. Stayed tuned for more details. We will share them as we have them. There will be a whole series on this mysterious topic. You will love it. It will ooze with charm, romance, adventure, courage, and fun.

1 comment:

  1. You're back! Love the updates. And your poem is beautiful. Screw Yeats. I love it. :)
