I conceived this blog so that I could have a hopeful and positive place to articulate my thoughts about this difficult journey of illness and infertility. And as much as I expect that many of my posts will focus on the struggles associated with that, I do hope a little bit of the rest of my personality creeps into the nooks and crannies of this slice of the internet along the way. If you are walking the same walk we are, know that I am keeping you in my daily prayers by name.
We are hopeful for health and happiness in the Irish days to come and I thank you for joining me on this journey, wherever it takes us. More to come as I get my feet wet here...
God bless you and may you have many children, keep the faith because miracles are real and ready for us at all times, we need to keep believing, praying and thanking God for the babies we are going to have in our arms very soon, all the very best and thanks be to God